One Marine’s View

This Marine is in Iraq. Somewhere close to Fallujah. These are his takes on American Media and CNN in particular. If you think the media are fair and ethical about what they report in Iraq and elsewhere, think again . . .

America if you didn’t believe us in the past, this should do nothing but reinforce how we are saying that the enemy is trying to get to you all at home to go south and demand us to come home before the job is done and that the media is soooo off mark. This just proves we are making huge gains here. Why? Because the real blind sheep, the big time news agencies, bought the trick, line and sinker from the terrorists. They fell for the oldest trick in the book, taking news tips from the enemy and paying them big cash to allow camera men to tag along with them. Yea great idea because a camera might look like an RPG to a Marine far enough away. It’s a clever technique that the US invented. Counter psyops is one way to buy out ‘reliable’ sources to submit stories to the press. This is now proof of how desperate the big time news agencies are for bad gauge on the US campaign in Iraq. They have no news so they pay for whatever may come down the line. Lowering their contacts and standards they knowingly purchase news reports and film events from the enemy.

Be sure to visit One Marine’s View for the complete article.
