I Been Everywhere (Almost – USA)

Whenever I have the chance, I tell people I’ve been to every state but two: North Dakota and Iowa – and, that it’s my intention to score those additional states soon after I retire, perhaps sooner.

Damsel, during a not-so-long-ago visit with our friends near Wilmington, North Carolina, disclosed that we would be going to West Virginia on that trip, so I could score that state (which, prior to that, I had not previously visited). She also told Roger, our friend, that the Cap’n also needed to go to the “duh” state. “The duh state?” Roger inquired. “Yep,” Damsel replied, “Iowa — where Duh Moines and Duh Buque are located.” Damsel always knew how to crack Roger up — he couldn’t stop laughing for several minutes, and at any mention of Iowa thereafter, a resumption of chuckles and mirth.

Of course, Iowa would have really been a DUH State if their seven electoral votes had been cast for John Kerry in 2004. As it is, we still plan to go there for a visit to American Heartland.
