George Washington’s Birthday

Today marks the 291st anniversary of the birth of the “Father of the Country,” George Washington. He was an American military officer, statesman, and Founding Father who served as the first president of the United States from 1789 to 1797. Washington died in 1799 at Mount Vernon, VA, where he is laid to rest.

It is our opinion that the President’s Day Holiday as a replacement for both Lincoln’s and Washington’s birthdays is a sham and a disservice to both men. The generic term ‘president’ refers to nobody in particular that held the office and, unfortunately, may also commemorate some of the worst imbeciles ever to have been elected up to and including the present occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

We missed posting on February 12, which would have been the 214th birth anniversary of Abraham Lincoln (sorry Abe — next year maybe). Also, the image of GW above is actually actor Jon Voight, whose appearance in “An American Carol,” made an excellent impression of the Father of the Country.
