Sign the Petition


The above screenshot from THE WAR ON GUNS is from a post acknowledging Arizona Citizens Defense League’s endorsement of an effort to call the Whitehouse’s attention to an egregious error in the on-line description of the Second Amendment. A petition has been created to call for a change to correct the wording about how 2A doesn’t ‘give’ our inherent rights to arms. AzCDL points out the error shown below. This was likely put on line by the Obamination whose deep state remnants still contaminate the current administration.


Since this is an easy fix that can be done by an aide in a few seconds, David has set up a White House petition to call their attention to this oversight. 97,658 signatures are required by July 27 to get a response from the White House. To add your signature, click on the link below.

Please sign the electronic petition and please pass it on to others you know who will do the same.
