Apparently, this is a bunch of delusional climate alarmists on a march from LA to DC in the name of “climate justice.” They happened to be in Wickenburg, AZ today with their flags and signs vowing to “save the planet one step at a time.” In the photo, one member of the parade was carrying a sign with a link to some parent organization which I removed since I won’t link to any whacko sites, even photographically.


Damsel snapped the image on our way to the supermarket. Click on the image to enlarge.

At any rate, they picked a poor time to march through our town along US 60 on a day when the temperatures are way below normal for this time of the year. The NWS was reporting a high temperature of 63° with windchill to the low 50’s. Many of the homeless-looking and apparently unwashed people in the photo were clad in walking shorts, so I bet they were getting their “Gore effect” welcome to our town. They may have even had a little rain on their parade from scattered showers in the area today.
