My stapelia gigantea, currently in bloom, has two of these nasty, hairy, stinky “carrion” flowers, seen here complete with pollinators – the only ones that are attracted to the decaying flesh odor of the flowers. I used my canon sx110 in telephoto mode to capture this shot, thereby avoiding the stench at closer range. Click image to enlarge this disgusting thing.
I posted this since I know Sig94 likes these.
The sight and smell remind me of my first prom date.
She puked on my tux.
Warn’t none of her fault though.
She just had a bad reaction to the deworming pills.
Dang.The flies look familar too…
There is NOTHING worse then waking up and finding flies crawling over your pollinator.
See? I told you Sig liked these things.
Even the flies have to give their poor little maggots anti-puke pills when they land on this thing…
Friends, let’s think this through, let us apply the logic centers of our brains that the Good Lord above has provided us; let us examine the premise of installing such vegatation anywhere within the same county as we reside:
A. This particular flower emits a foul stench that closely approximates the odor of rotting flesh; and
B. The peculiar odor emitted by this particuar flower attracts a loathsome nuisance insect – the common house fly, AKA, the turd buzzard, which then is found in far greater numbers in the vicinity of a domicile thus situated than domiciles that are adorned with vegatation that does not resemble (with eyes closed) a week old corpse; and
C. It is submitted that Cap’n Bob was:
i. sober
ii. sane
iii. not under duress (i.e., Damsel was not applying a loaded firearm to his forehead)
iv. not operating under the influence of a foreign or interplanetary government
when the aforementioned vegatation was planted on and within property under his control.
And it is precisely here that logic fails us.
Damsel, does the Cap’n plant dead squirrels and other road kill on the premises?
Oh we could go on and on…..
My MOM gave him that plant. Are you Sir saying bad things about my MOM?
Mummsy gave that plant? Hmmmmm. Did you have any prior suitors that your mom really liked?
Actually no she loves capn BOB…..