Taken from Charles Krauthammer‘s comments on Fox News yesterday about Obama‘s California Townhall meeting:
Well, Obama’s modus operandi is when the going gets tough, he gets going. He gets out of town. The best thing he does is campaign, so that’s what he wants to do. He’s not apparently that good at governing. He is not a lot of experience. He never ran a candy store in the past and he’s having a little stumbling trouble these days running his government. But, you know, presidents who are good speakers have charisma and popular support, like Reagan, will go over the heads of Congress directly to the people when they are in trouble and need help.
Gospel according to Ronald Reagan:
Just copied and pasted you 9/11 tribute on my site atPolitely Patrician had to use the gif as I do not have java script. My site at penny patch was not originally designed for a blog so was not able to put tribute there. My other blog is new with only a few post, but will eventually become my main one.
Krauthammer is a favorite of mine, the man knows what he is talking about and more should listen to him, not too bad for a shrink.
Leve you with a quote: “The government is like a baby’s alimentary canal, with a healthy appetite at one end and responsibility at the other.” Ronad Reagan
I’m giving you a link at both my sites.
Thanks for the quote, Ron. Reagan is my favorite president of all.
Damsel and I agree Chas. K. is a very smart man.
I saw the tribute on Politely Patrician. Looks like you got the flash version running there. Thanks again.
Yes, I did get the flash version of 9/11 running–I put it on all my sites, Penny Patch, and my two new sites as well–Totus and Totus Blog