Melanie Morgan on O’Reilly

melMelanie Morgan, a San Francisco Bay area talk show personality, appeared on Bill O’Reilly’s show this evening.

Set Your DVR’s To “Stun” – Melanie Morgan to Appear on O’Reilly

Get ready to be amazed by my brilliant rhetorical skills, stunning passion, and 2-day old acne outbreak.

That’s right, the “war whore” as the lefties call me, is going to be appearing today on The Factor with Bill O’Reilly – that’s Fox News Channel for those of you who aren’t paying attention.

I will be enunciating why a souless villian like Bill Ayers, Domestic Terrorist who can’t say he’s sorry, should be protested at St. Mary’s College tomorrow night.

Melanie Morgan’s website displays the ‘Never Forget Tribute‘ in their sidebar. The website has more information about the protests planned against Ayres.
