Dixie Chicks and Grammy Awards

A Double Induction to the Star Whores Hall of Shame

We haven’t posted an induction to the Star Whores Hall of Shame in a very long time, mainly, because the almost constant murmur of moonbat opinions and nonsense out of the Hollywood crowd and other celebretards would keep me cranking 24/7. Once in a while, however, someone will do something so outrageous that they exceed our usual high threshold of tolerance for their normal crap. In fact, our stupid-crap-o-meter went almost to the top of the scale.

Pursuant to that threshold having been crossed, we hereby induct the following two entities into the Hall:

  1. The singing group Dixie Chicks for being the least talented group to get talent awards based on their liberal political viewpoint – welcome to the “Treacherous Troubadors” exhibit of the Hall.
  2. The Grammy Awards for awarding best country performance to a non-country group just because they hate Republicans and country music fans – welcome to the “Sleazy Reasoning” wall in the Hall.

Visit the Hall of Shame.
