Jack Murtha – Typical Democrat

The campaign for Diana Irey has assembled a list of 21 reasons Murtha won’t debate Irey. Irey is challenging Murtha for his congressional seat. Sifting through them, I find a great many of these apply to the Democratic Machine in general.


21. He has voted himself 12 straight pay raises.
20. He has voted to raise his own pay from $42,500/yr to $165,500/yr.
19. He tried to take a $50,000 cash bribe from an undercover agent for the FBI.
18. His “investment defense” was nothing more than a ruse to hide his $50,000 cash bribe from an undercover agent for the FBI.
17. He wrongfully accused U.S. Marines of cold-blooded murder.
16. He voted against allowing military personnel to assist the Department of Homeland Security with border security in times of a threat to national security.
15. He voted against legislation to fulfill recommendations of the 9/11 Commission to prohibit illegal aliens from obtaining driver’s licenses or other official ID cards; to ensure terrorists do not enter or remain in the U.S. through loopholes in asylum or deportation laws; and to strengthen border security by completing the San Diego border fence.
14. He voted against stiffer sentences for illegal aliens convicted of violent crimes or drug trafficking.
13. He voted against increasing funds to help state and local governments arrest and detain illegal aliens.
12. He voted against the Border Control, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005.
11. He voted against the Secure Fence Act of 2006.
10. He voted against protecting traditional marriage.
9. He voted to allow liberal judges to overturn a law protecting traditional marriage.
8. Contrary to what he says now about his role in Abscam, he didn’t just say ‘no’ to a $50,000 cash bribe.
7. He once hosted a welcome back party for a former congressional staffer who’d just been convicted of taking an illegal bribe.
6. He pushed for a new law to require taxpayers to pay the legal bills of Members of Congress who had been convicted of taking bribes.
5. He voted against giving U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies the power to wiretap suspected terrorists when they call associated in the United States.
4. He voted against giving U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies the power to properly interrogate and bring to trial terrorists who plot against the United States.
3. He said we could safely redeploy American forces from Iraq to Okinawa. Okinawa, Japan. A very, very, very long ways away.
2. He voted to kill the USA PATRIOT act. Twice.
1. He’s a central part of the culture of corruption in Congress.

C’mon folks — get out and vote November 7th — Much is at stake.
