Understanding the Democratic Machine

Locked in an endless möbius loop, the gears of the Democratic machine grind on forever. All rhetoric, all the time, with no viable ideas. They do have ideas, however . . .

Redeploy troops from Iraq to Okinawa? End vital terrorist surveillance? Raise taxes? Call the military in Iraq stupid? Accuse the military of terrorizing civilians and committing atrocities? Amnesty for illegals? Block domestic oil production? Socialize medicine? Add new entitlement programs? Disarm the military? Disarm citizens? Stop global warming? Block Social Security reform? Let the UN and EU decide US trade policy? Let the UN and EU decide US defense policy? Block picture ID to prevent voter fraud? Stop fencing the border? Approve same-sex marriage? Approve all abortions? Reduce criminal penalties? Block profiling of potential terrorists? Allow illegal aliens driver’s licenses? Apologize to our enemies and blame America first?

This incomplete list of questionable ‘ideas’ comes directly from Democrats — you can’t make this shit up. And the list of outrageous ‘ideas’ grows daily. I sincerely hope that as Americans, you will go to the polls next Tuesday and vote – especially now that you understand the Democratic Machine.
