Enemies of the “Long War”

After the overnight disclosure of another major incident involving Islamic Terrorists, Peter Brookes, writing in The Corner on National Review Online shares some thoughts about our enemies in the Global War on Terror (emphasis added):

London Thoughts [Peter Brookes]

1. We have two enemies in the war on terror: al Qaeda and complacency. The “Long War” is clearly far from over.
2. The fact that the London group may have had “some” ties to al Qaeda proves that al Qaeda is as much—if not more—a virulent, vicious ideology as a terror group.
3. Good, actionable intelligence—both foreign, like tracking financial transactions, and domestic, like the terrorist surveillance program —is still our first line of defense.
4. Al Qaeda—and its acolytes—are continually evolving (e.g. the use of liquid explosives to bring down planes), meaning we have to be as imaginative and nimble in our defense as they are in their offense. Of course, taking the fight to the terrorists is our best defense.
5. International cooperation—as exemplified by US-UK cooperation this time—is a force multiplier in the war on terror.
6. This may not be the last of terror plots meant to occur on or near the fifth anniversary of 9/11…

Americans and Europeans alike, should wake up and realize that the seething hatred will not just go away if we ignore it or coddle it. We, collectively, just don’t get it; Islamic terrorists, like the title cyborg in “The Terminator,” will not go away until the throats of the last infidels have been cut. Infidels — that’s us! All of us – Moms, Dads, Kids, liberals, conservatives, and all you middle-of-the-road complacent folks.

As Brookes says, we must take the fight to the terrorists — preemption beats cleaning up after a lapse of vigilance. Start profiling now. Purge terrorist cells from America now. Just do it!
