Space Lottery

Lottery: a tax on mathematically-challenged people.

I found this concept to be interesting. From

A Space Lottery: An Idea Whose Time Has Come

I suggest a National Space Lottery as a new way of funding space flight systems, promoting space tourism and paying for the tickets of those who would fly. Many have spoken of our goals in space, but few offer ways to pay for them. The following proposal offers a possible solution.

The National Space Society should promote creation of a National Space Lottery. Ideally, this might become an International Space Lottery, and would offer the possibility of space flight, as a prize, to every man, woman and child on earth.

A Space Lottery would generate enormous worldwide publicity, a new fascination with space. Prizewinners would be followed like those of modern “Reality TV” shows. An International Space Lottery would be ideal. People all over the world, rich and poor, would share in the possibility of a ride into space. Space tourism could soon become a reality. Men, women and children everywhere sense that the destiny of humanity is elsewhere, and want to be part of the dream.
