Mr. Weird Beard

Just who the hell does liberal media writer Neil Gabler think he’s fooling with the phony beard color? Is it a fashion statement to make his whiskers match his shirt? WTF?

Damsel and I were watching Fox Newswatch today and noticed that Gabler’s beard was reminiscent of the toy where a magnetic wand is used to position iron particles on a clown face enclosed in a transparent plastic bubble. We saw the same clown face without the bubble, and the same phony-looking iron-filing gray beard. Oh, and the shirt too – same color. Of course, Gabler may be competing for visual attention since he sits next to Cal Thomas, whose conservative opinions are often not heard because of Cal’s deafening shirt-tie combinations – but then, I digress . . .

Coincidentally, Gabler’s silly-looking beard is compatible with his ridiculous liberal viewpoints. And do you think it’s also a coincidence that Gabler resembles the world’s most famous clown?

Apologies to Emmett Kelly Jr. for any implied comparison.
