Cheney Talks to Troops in Iraq

Damsel and I are glad that this guy is second-in-command. He started out with the following remarks:

From FOX News: Cheney Talks to Troops in Iraq

Well, I’m not Jessica Simpson. But I’m glad to be here, and I thank you for that warm welcome; General Johnson, for the kind words. And I want to say good afternoon to all my fellow Americans. I happened to be in the neighborhood, so I thought I’d drop by.

We’re a long way from Washington, and I can’t imagine being in better company than I am right now. I’ve come with a message from home: Americans are grateful for your service; they support your mission; we’re proud of each and every one of you.

It’s a privilege to be here, to stand on the ground of the world’s newest democracy — to be with so many men and women who helped make this history. I wanted to pay this visit during the holidays to express appreciation to all of you and to every American serving in this part of the world. With Christmas and Hanukkah arriving next week, I know your thoughts naturally turn to home. And your fellow Americans are thinking of you more than ever. I’m pleased to bring you the good wishes of the entire country, and personal greetings from our Commander-in-Chief, President George W. Bush.

In this young century and a dangerous time for our country, we understand our duties. We have the resources, the strength, and the moral courage to overcome the danger and lay the foundation for a better world. This year the Marines added battle streamers marking the Afghanistan campaign, the Iraq campaign, and the global war on terror. Marines can forever take pride in the quality of the work that’s being accomplished here, and at the character of the men and women who are doing it.

The speech went on for a while, as the Veep underscored the importance of this mission, and extended support for the troops and for the Iraqis. The Vice President concluded with this:

You’re meeting every challenge with focus and great effectiveness, above all with honor. And I want you to know especially at Christmastime how much you mean to America. This is a season for counting our blessings. Americans realize how fortunate we are to have people like you wearing the uniform of our country.

Thank you once again for serving far from home at an hour of great need. You reflect immense credit on the uniform you wear and the cause you serve. And I want to thank you for what you’ve done for us. Semper Fi.

A.M.E.N to that, Mr. Vice President . . .
