al-Qaida’s Long-Term Strategy

Next time someone says “End the War” or “Get out of Iraq Now,” point them to CENTCOM where they have posted al-Qaida’s vision of the future in the Middle East and elsewhere (here, for example).


We note seven critical themes from the Zawahiri-Zarqawi letter. The first four confirm al-Qaida’s long-term strategy and core beliefs; the latter three reflect new information about how senior al-Qaida leader Zawahiri views developments in Iraq – and elsewhere – turning against them.

You can see the English translation and the Arabic versions in the article “What Extremists Are Saying.”

Also, you can keep posted to CENTCOM activities by subscribing to the CENTCOM Electronic Newsletter.

Thanks to 1LT Brian Anderson, CENTCOM Public Affairs Office for the heads-up on this important issue.
